• ashirk@gmail.com
  • Kijabe, Kenya
on making memories. . .

on making memories. . .

When the girls were little we told them when they turned 16, that I (Ari) would take them on a trip anywhere of their choosing. At the time, it seemed a lifetime away, and we had no idea our oldest would turn 16 on the tail end of a pandemic –

So, instead of letting her choose, we suprised Madeline with a trip to New York City and several of the people that have loved her since she was very small flew in to celebrate with her . . .

As I look back, writing this a year later, my memories are of my daughter lighting up at the airbnb hostel with a distinctly international population, loving the ancient history version of the Met, and running across 5th avenue to get a last minute COVID test to get on our flight home. . .we marvelled at the Christmas tree, were giddy during Broadway shows, and navigated Christmas markets and subways together. . .and how we narrowly missed a NYC shut down by Omicron the next week.

Here are just a few of the photos of my beautiful, inquisitive daughter who has never lost her sense of wonder. . .