• ashirk@gmail.com
  • Kijabe, Kenya
Good Friday

Good Friday

To you, little bird,
this Friday is good,
as every day is good,
each morning mercy-filled

Sunrise, sunset,
you seek and find daily bread
in the stone shadows of cathedrals

You rest on red-tiled rooftops,
as men beneath seek luxury,
purchasing things you find for free

Might they learn to live like you –
numbered, known, counted,
considered and considerate

Cross, crown
and all blessings
freely received
as freely given

1 thought on “Good Friday

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      THE GIFT

      Compassion: Love from His heart
      A soft and gentle face

      A Goblet: Take and drink
      Of His mercy and grace

      The Word: Scripture’s story
      To man gave

      The Infant: Mary’s baby
      Men to save

      The Man: Calms the storms
      Miracles performs
      The sinners praised
      The dead are raised

      The King: The nations He’ll rule
      Yet worlds ridicule

      The Sufferer: Cross nailed
      Side impaled

      The Ekcheo Broken body
      Bled and died

      The Redeemer: Raised to live
      Salvation give

      Remember: His body; the bread
      His blood; the wine.

      Have a blessed Easter

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