• ashirk@gmail.com
  • Kijabe, Kenya
what I learned in Kindergarten (by Annabelle)

what I learned in Kindergarten (by Annabelle)

I walk to school every day. We never drive unless it is pouring rain. I don’t like walking to school, but my mommy makes. Some days there are monkeys. Other days, we see Lydia and Riley and Liam walking and walk with them.

I learned subtraction and addition this year. I learned reading by listening and practicing.

I learned that my friends are nice. Brenna, Finley, Leo, Luke, Adam, Owen,  Tyler, and Finn are in my class. My best friend in my class is Brenna.

Mrs. Reed is my teacher.  I like her because she is fun and she is teaching me subtraction.

At recess I play tetherball and climb the jungle gym and swing.

My favorite thing about school is Mrs. Reed.