• ashirk@gmail.com
  • Kijabe, Kenya
Madeline’s poem: I Am

Madeline’s poem: I Am

I was going through Madeline’s paperwork from school today, sorting things as we pack, and I found this poem she wrote at school . . .a precious glimpse into her head:
I Am
by madeline
I am smart and kind
I wonder if I am fun
I hear birds sing about me
I see visions of angels
I want a good life
I am smart and kind
I pretend I am a bear
I touch a four leaf clover, wish
I worry that I will lose my school
I cry when I feel alone
I am polite and kind


I understand I will not always live in Birmingham
I say the oldest works hardest
I dream for happiness
I try to help – I hope I live in peace
I am smart and kind.

This is the first week the girls have expressed trepidation about moving and not pure joy – it’s interesting to maneuver the situation, to listen and respond, to reassure but not dismiss. . . This move will  be wonderful for our children, but it is also going to be terribly hard.

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