• ashirk@gmail.com
  • Kijabe, Kenya
2018 – Favorites

2018 – Favorites

We had a quiet afternoon yesterday and the girls, David, and I went over our highs and lows, bests and worsts for the year – from the serious to the mundane. . . here are a few of our favorites. . ..

Favorite Song:

Favorite Book:

Favorite TV Shows:

Favorite Movie:

Favorite Photos:

Bridger Wilderness (David with Arianna’s Dad)
Arianna holding baby Arianna at World Prem Day
the Maasai Mara at Sunset with the Girls. . .
watching this tiny baby grow:

Favorite Posts:

2018 was a year of incredible joy and deep loss. It was a year of travel and deepening roots, of defining and understanding who we are becoming on this side of the world and our role in this beautiful place.

We watched the girls grow quickly and learn to love things with deep passion, tears, laughter, and unabandoned joy.

We danced, we wept. We sang. We talked about life into the wee hours of the morning with friends who have become like family.

We lived life constantly poured out with wonder at all that God is doing.

Thank you for coming on this journey with us.

1 thought on “2018 – Favorites

    • Author gravatar

      And through it all blessed to be a blessing as Christ walked every step with you. Oh, what sweet comfort this brings for parents watching their children and grands. Thank you Lord!

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