• ashirk@gmail.com
  • Kijabe, Kenya
Kenyan Wedding

Kenyan Wedding

A big part of our lives in the past decade has been shooting weddings.  It was definitely unclear what would happen to photography, particularly wedding photography, after we moved to Kenya.  I had made peace with giving it up, but then ended up with 4 weddings back in the states this year.  Pictures and video for weddings are a very big deal in Kenya as well, so it was only a matter of time before we started shooting here as well.

Miriam works with the medical director at the hospital and her wedding was only a 20 minute drive from Kijabe, so it was the perfect opportunity to see how wedding photography would work in Kenya.  Also Arianna was able to take the day off, so we were finally able to shoot together again.

In many ways, this was one of the most fun weddings we have ever photographed.  It was completely different from home in the sense that there was never a down-moment.  Constant dancing, singing, gift-giving, ceremony after ceremony.  Also, the photographers are very expected to be right in the middle of the action. . .there was a video team set up 5 feet from the bride and groom during the ceremony, so we took pictures right next to them. . .very nice after spending years in the back of church.  I tried to take a knee whenever I wasn’t actually shooting so that I could be a little bit out of the way!

Also fun was that we were completely free to take pictures of anyone and everyone.  Every day we see these amazing faces and colorful clothing at the hospital, but it is seldom appropriate to take pictures.  The wedding was the exact opposite, a complete free-for-all to photography anyone and everyone.

Here are a few pictures, and more are on the photography blog if you are interested.

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