• ashirk@gmail.com
  • Kijabe, Kenya
Elephants and Sunsets

Elephants and Sunsets

We took a much-needed rest to the eastern part of Kenya last week to a spectacular house we found through Air B&B on the edge of Shimba Hills Elephant Sanctuary.  It was absolutely beautiful and restful – the kids swam all day, we read and watched for elephants, played American Ninja Warrior and Saboteur, and ate like crazy.



Rich on the elephant hunt. They were visible with the naked eye, but it was hard to distinguish them from rocks until the times when the entire herd burst into plain view.


First thing in the morning a sea of fog would settle over the valley, and slowly burn off by around 9.


The Davises on one of the greatest porches ever.



Elephants hanging out near the baobab tree. . .you know it’s a huge tree when 3 elephants can hide underneath at once!


Insane sunsets.  The second mountain is Kilimanjaro, which is some 125 miles from where we were staying.  The nearer mountain is about 35 miles away, and 5000ish feet high.  Kili is 21,000 feet high. . .but with the perspective, they look almost the same!  We ate dinner outside every night and watched the amazing skies fade to twilight.


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Sheldrick falls, definitely a happy place.  You have to be accompanied by an armed guard in case of buffalo or elephants, but we didn’t see any.


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Night-time selfie. . .I nearly fell in the pool repeatedly taking this picture:)

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